every day is an opportunity to eat your favorite food and create a new experience - if you have it available, make sure to use certified organic ingredients and avoid processed food filled with refined carbohydrates, fat and sodium.
Dessert - Ice Cream, Frappe, Apple Pie, Crepes, Zabaglione or Fruit Torte
simple, tasty Salad Dressing:
garlic flavored Olive Oil and White
or Balsamic Vinegar
MONDAY Bell Peppers and Tomato
Salad great addition to the lunch menu
veggie stuffed grape leaves, served with a plain yogurt or a mineral water
served with steamed asparagus and fruity red wine, garnished with black olives and parsley
THURSDAY Blueberries
dipped in yogurt for a healthy breakfast or snacked on throughout the day
FRIDAY Rosemary Skewered meet or fish, a nice way to end the work week
Buddho itipiso bhagava buddho bhagavati itipiso bhagava araham itipiso bhagava samma sambuddho
Sabbe sattā sukhi hontu
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